Avantasia, des news!!

Publié le par Tibo

Tobias Sammet a posté une new sur son site officiel d'Avantasia!


After the tremendous success of his latest Avantasia-album "The Scarecrow", which rocketed into the charts all over Europe (e.g. #8 in Germany), received an award for "Best Rock Production 2008" by the German association of sound engineers (VDT) and featured Top10 hit single "Lost In Space", Tobias has announced that he is currently working on new material for a new "Avantasia"-album. When asked for a release date he said: "This is not a Rock-&-Roll-homestudio-project, we'll work with a choir, with a symphony orchestra and - no matter if the music-industry goes down the toilet- I'll spend a fortune on creating the whole thing. So I'll take all the time I need, and it won't see the light of day until I am completely satisfied. Some who know my plans said, that it's unreasonable to spend one's savings on creating a piece of music these days, as the music industry is going through hard times. Absolutely right! But do you consider it extremely reasonable to shoot a man into space? It's unreasonable to spend money for whatever, life itself is unreasonable, because - believe it or not - in the end it's quite often pretty lethal. I am rather unreasonable and therefor unsad."

Ca y est il travaille sur le futur opus d'Avantasia, avec cette fois ci un orchestre symphonique, donc cela nous promet du grand, du très grand!!

Prends ton temps Tobi!!

Publié dans Avantasia

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